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About TrailAware
Blending Technology & The Outdoors

The Passion NEVER ends at TrailAware!

Our Values

Our mission is to change the way that people look at maps. We believe that augmented reality (AR) has the potential to revolutionize the way people explore the outdoors and we are committed to developing innovative AR trail mapping solutions that will make it easier and more enjoyable for people to find, navigate, and explore trails.

TrailAware is the modern day alternative to traditional mapping. By overlaying AR representations of real-world coordinates onto the actual terrain this allows users to see trails, property lines, and paths in AR. We will make it easier for users to know exactly where they are, where they are supposed to be and where they are supposed to be going, eliminating any doubt one may have.

We believe that our AR trail mapping technology has the potential to make a significant impact on the outdoor industry, not only with providing users added confidence when exploring new areas, therefore expanding users comfort zones, also removing the potential of user error with traditional 2D maps and providing a new level of safety and security, preventing users from getting lost in the wilderness or making any wrong turns along their journey.

We envision our TrailAware AR trail visualization technology becoming the standard when it comes to trail mapping. We are committed to encouraging people to get outside and explore new areas with the confidence that they can do so safely, and we believe that our TrailAware technology will be the key tool in doing so.

Our Leadership Team
Processed with Lensa with Magic Correction
Arthur Nemirovsky
Founder & CTO

Passionate about problem solving, technology & all things wheels.

Ryan Fuller

Has a way with words, people and spotting the next big thing.

Brian Lopes

Mountain Bike legend, Multi World Champion & Bike Enthusiast.

David Castor
Legal Advisor

Entrepreneur, investor, attorney, advisor and partner.

Our History
In 2018 our founder and avid mountain biker, creates TrailAware out of necessity!
Getting lost with a group of friends ended up being a blessing in disguise!
2019 - Q2
Arthur invites his longtime friend and serial entrepreneur Ryan out for a day of adventure, mountain biking in the hills of Southern California and a monumental new business was born on a dusty mountain trail. TrailAware! A month later legendary mountain bike world champion and BMX hall of famer Brian Lopes joins the team.
2019 - Q3
A prototype app is created and shared with family and friends. Word spreads like wildfire and with zero marketing dollars the user base for the test app grows to over 3000. Team receives a call from Red Bull and is formally invited to showcase their technology at one of the worlds most anticipated mountain bike events. Red Bull Rampage.
2019 - Q4
Red Bull rampage, with less than a month of planning and a week of testing on the actual terrain, everything went off without a hitch! Great success!
2020 - 2021
The world comes to a standstill. Team decides it is in their best interest to pump the brakes and recreate the app using the feedback that they’ve received over the past 6 months of testing and secure a patent on the TrailAware technology. Brainstorming, developing, and planning the team watched the clock until the world started to move again.
2022 - Q1 - Q3
The world is beginning to heal and the USPTO is beginning to work, the long awaited patent on TrailAware technology is finally approved, it’s time for the team to get back to business.
2022 - Q4
Patent issued, game on!
2023 - Q1-Q3

The team worked tirelessly to finalize the TrailAware V1 app with ZERO outside funding. Created a new interface and a seamless experience for our users.

2023 - Q4

Launch of TrailAware V1!

2024 Q1 +

Make TrailAware a household name by building partnerships with resorts and bike parks across the country to showcase TrailAware technology.

Further improve TrailAware technology and change the way the world looks at maps

Our IP


Registered Trademarks: TrailAware® & Trail Roulette®



TrailAware: The world’s first AR trail discovery app.

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